nginx $upstream_cache_status

Hi, I use Nginx as reverse proxy, and I would like to rate limit the requests to origin server, but only limit the requests with cache status EXPIRED. I just tested with a map "cache_key", and the rate limiting doesn't work, the $cache_key w

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X-Proxy is a great app that lets you surf the Internet anonymously, change your IP address, and prevent possible identity theft and intrusion from hackers by using a proxy IP server. X-Proxy has be...

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  • In our checklist for perfect WordPress-Nginx setup, we have a section dedicated to check i...
    Adding $upstream_cache_status in HTTP Response Headers - ...
  • So I have been trying to implement the fastcgi cache on nginx. To test whether the cache i...
    caching - Nginx FastCGI Cache $upstream_cache_status; Not Sh ...
  • The ngx_http_status_module module provides access to various status information. This modu...
    Module ngx_http_status_module - nginx news
  • The ngx_http_upstream_module module is used to define groups of servers that can be refere...
    Module ngx_http_upstream_module - nginx news
  • Hi, I use Nginx as reverse proxy, and I would like to rate limit the requests to origin se...
    Nginx $upstream_cache_status not available when used in rate ...
  • The first step is the $upstream_cache_status variable, which is calculated for each reques...
    NGINX High-Performance Caching – NGINX
  • (displays status as seen by the worker s...
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  • 作为一个web服务器,我们已经习惯了nginx的类apache日志,即$status。其实nginx的upstream模块下,带有几个变量,却是类squid日志的。他们是:
    nginx日志(upstream) - 三斗室
  • Nginx has a variable $upstream_cache_status. This can be used for any upstream. We are usi...
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  • 一、在http header上增加命中显示 nginx提供了$upstream_cache_status这个变量来显示缓存的状态,我们可以在配置中添加一个http头来显示这一状态,...
    查看nginx cache命中率 - 运维生存时间 – Linux系统教程,运维经 ...